Cognigix: The New Big Thing in Learning Enablement

Cognigix: The New Big Thing in Learning Enablement

Cognigix Learning was built with the aim of revolutionizing the professional education domain. We focussed on two aspects- the digital shift and the move towards a more learner-centric approach to professional learning delivery. On the job learning is no more the reluctantly boring affair. The digital approach that focuses on learner-oriented learning is most beneficial for learning adoption. With Cognigix, learners have the advantage of a highly curated content pool that helps them make the most out of their learning efforts. Continuous assessments are immensely useful in ensuring that the learner process is tracked from step to step. This ensures that there are not just professional but also long-lasting changes in the employee learning efforts.


We offer the following services to both Small and Medium Enterprises and Large Conglomerates that already have a footprint in the market.

Need Oriented Learning Architecting is required to ensure that the employees learn the necessary lessons within time and the quality learning outcomes are ensured. With need-oriented learning architecting it becomes easy to cater to the specific needs peculiar to your business. Thus the niche requirements are also very well taken care of.

Learning Solutions that can be modified and customized as per the needs of the learner’s needs are the best suited to fulfill the requirements of the learners.

Customized E-Learning through a powerful and compact learning app ensures learning on the go. It is such customized learning that ensures long term learning retention and workplace application of the learned skills.

End to End Digitisation

End to end digitization is the need of the hour. We help startups and established businesses bring about a complete digital transformation. At cognigix, end to end digitization is ensured.

What are you waiting for? Give your employees the advantages of cutting edge digital learning technology. Reach out to us today:

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Call at: +91 22 2778 0083


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