The Fight Of Chattisgarh Against Corona

The Fight Of Chattisgarh Against Corona

Cognigix had the honor of hosting Shri DM Awasthi, DGP, Chattisgarh (1986 Batch) for the Virtual Conference Leadership in Crisis: Learning From the Forces. Shri DM Awasthi talked about humane policing at length. He emphasized that it is humane policing that led to enabling a proper Corona prevention policy and ensuring the support of the common people. He had vocally reprimanded high handed police action in the state in the recent past. Timely and smooth coordination also played a big role in bringing about a change in the difficult times and ensuring accurate disaster response.

The pandemic has not only been a narrative of collective action and sacrifice, but it has also demanded individual action, especially from the brave men in the forces. Shri Awasthi emphasized on the idea of citizen-friendly policing. This happens when the police function more organically thinking of itself as a symbol of service to society. Mr. Awasthi himself stayed in a tent exposed to the sun and operated from there


Preventive Measures

The Chhattisgarh government has taken leading steps to enable the police to implement the lockdown successfully. Though a small state like Chhattisgarh has a lack of resources, the leadership ensured safe and quality food and drinking water for the police personnel so that there is no hindrance in offering support to the public. Shree Awasthi also happily shared the credits of battling the pandemic with the people of the state. He thanked them for following the prescribed corona prevention rules without which the deadly virus could take a toll on the small state. Real-time communication through video conferencing is one of the key ways in which the Chhattisgarh police was able to take control of this difficult situation. Shree Awasthi also talked of the high morale of the police personnel that kept them going in the direction of of the service of the people. He also patted the back of chhattisgarh police for having ensured minimal infection to the forces. He pointed out with the respect due for the supreme sacrifice about the loss of one of his men who succumbed to the infection.

Going Beyond Duty

`Shri Awasthi also pointed out the dedication of the forces towards the people by recounting an incident when the slums had no food and policemen went to these areas to distribute food. The funding of the forces in a small state like Chattisgarh is always limited. Within these limits, the police force has shown itself to act on the spur of the moment and save people from the impending suffering. The police department also came up with programs to ensure distribution of food and ration to the homes of police officials that contacted the virus and whose families were facing social stigma. The Chhattisgarh police has also started a scheme which helped the spouses and other dependents of officers serving in far reaching areas.

Shri DM Awasthi who had already shown his and the force’s metal in preventing left wing extremism and naxalism has now unraveled to us another bold side of bravery.


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