TAJ – Mindful Emotions in Action

TAJ – Mindful Emotions in Action

IHCL was founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1899 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. Taj is the iconic hospitality brand from Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL). IHCL wanted to strengthen its foundational values and revive their employee’s knowledge of Taj values, namely: Trust Awareness and Joy.
The employees were aware of the Taj values but they found it difficult to relate it to their workplace. There seemed a gap between awareness and its on-the-job application.
IHCL wanted to train its employees across India with the core values in such a way that it could be applied in their day-to-day life. Digital learning was very newly introduced in the company and they wanted to leverage it to train their large workforce across all properties. A detailed learning strategy was created to develop the Taj: Mindful Emotions in Action program.

Cognigix’s Solution for Mindful Emotions in Action

With over 100,000 employees working across more than 150 properties, IHCL needed to deliver key messages in a way that everybody understands and applies. Cognigix created a learning solution to engage employees and apply company’s value and ethical principles, regardless of their role, department and location.

Embedding Values at IHCL through:

    • Faculty Videos: Behavioral training videos (5-6 minutes) by experts/trainers/speakers were created to convey the values, concepts and frameworks of Taj.


    • Learning Nuggets: Videos stimulates curiosity and also motivate learners to enroll in training. Therefore, whiteboard animation videos (2-3 minutes) were created to explain Taj values, Trust, Awareness and Joy.


    • Infographics: Different training topics were converted into infographics to make information more appealing and grab learner’s attention.


    • Games and Exercises: Gaming elements were added to the course at different levels to engage and motivate the learners to complete the course. Gamified assessments helped to reinforce the concept to the learners.


    • Quizlet: Each module consisted of quizzes at the end, to check the knowledge and understanding of the learners.


    • eRehash: As a refresher, a microlearning module was plugged in at the end of the entire course. The module consisted of games, video snippets and gamed-based quizzes.

Cognigix team launched the program at various properties through organized events. The events encompassed orientation of the employees on the functionalities of the Cognigix app, through which the training was delivered to all the employees. Also, taking them through the modules structure and learning themes and familiarizing them with the digital learning process.

Exceptional engagement and positive results

  • • Successful completion of the first phase across five properties
  • • 85% adoption rate across all the properties
  • • 90% positive feedback from the leaders for the overall program including assessment parameters
  • • More than 90% of learners recommended to their colleagues

The program will be rolled out in a phased manner to other properties in multiple languages.


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