Leveraging Mobile Learning In Corporate Training

Leveraging Mobile Learning In Corporate Training

In recent years, technology has transformed the learning process. With the rise in smartphones and digitization taking over all major aspects of our lives, mobile technology has significantly made a critical part of our daily work routines. Smartphones have dramatically transformed corporate training and the ability to access learning online, anytime, anywhere has become the new standard.

Employees cite lack of growth and development opportunities as one of the reasons to quit their jobs, which highlights training is more crucial now. A robust training and development program is a must and mobile learning is becoming a vital part of L&D programs. Many organizations are leveraging mobile learning to train their employees more effectively and efficiently across the globe, to increase knowledge retention and enrich employee performance. Mobile learning is not limited to a niche, it can be used in every industry. Therefore, the content is increasingly tailored to be mobile-first approach rather than mobile-ready. Here are a few reasons your organization should incorporate mobile learning into your training programs.


  1. Just-in-time Support

Employees expect to have information at their fingertips as and when needed. Mobile learning courses are often short, focused courses that cover a specific topic. Providing employees with real-time and up-to-date information boosts their chances of meeting their goals and helps them prevent mistakes caused by obsolete information. Employees who travel frequently can quickly access training materials even when they are not connected to the internet because most mobile learning materials can be downloaded and stored offline.


  1. Collaborative Learning

Creating a learning culture is critical for an organization’s development. Mobile learning makes collaboration easier among learners. It allows learners to connect with mentors, managers and peers to discuss and share knowledge with each other within the platform. Each individual can contribute to the overall learning process through these online discussions from anywhere which encourages engagement between instructors and learners. Learning apps created with collaborative capabilities can make learning engaging and increase completion rate.


  1. Continuous and Self-Directed Learning 

People learn at different rates, mobile learning allows learners to choose what is best for them and engage with it when they are ready. It provides flexibility as it gives learners the option of finishing their training whenever they want and absorbing information at their own pace. Learners can also recap content as and when required. Mobile learning also allows the learners to access the same training over a different mobile device, engaging and encouraging continuous and self-directed learning. This flexibility fits best into today’s learner’s busy schedules and also suits their learning preferences. Thus, mobile learning enhances performance, employee satisfaction and retention rates.

  1. High Retention Rates

Mobile learning delivers content in chunks making it easier to complete and retain knowledge. The information supplied is also simplified and condensed. Furthermore, each module is designed in a way that the learners can complete it in a short amount of time. As a result, the learner can complete a course rapidly before moving on to the next. Overall training time can be decreased since quick bursts of learning can lead to improved application of knowledge. Shorter learning experiences allow for better retention and assimilation of critical concepts.


  1. Cost-Effective 

Mobile learning is cost-effective for organizations as it enables quick distribution of learning materials by sending it to devices already in use. Organizations can save money by employing mobile devices to study because employees do not have to devote time to training. Learners can access training modules on their mobile device and complete them anywhere, at any time and do not have to spend exclusive time on training.  Mobile learning also helps organizations in the long run, as they can continuously refresh and add new content.


Mobile Learning Strategies For Corporate Training 


  1. Gamification

Rewards and recognition are the greatest ways to motivate employees. Integrating gamification with mobile learning encourages the learners to complete their training and be recognized and rewarded for their accomplishments. Gaming elements like points, badges and scores keep the learners engaged and harnessed to collect more. Simple game elements like multiple levels or progress bars act as a motivator for the learners to actively participate compared to the plain look and feel of mobile learning content. Game mechanics can boost employee performance and engagement while adding another level of motivation.


  1. Podcasts  

Audio content is a very useful format for mobile learning and makes learning more flexible. There are times that visual elements are not necessary for example message from the CEO of an organization or an interview with subject matter experts, in such cases podcast can be a simple and effective mobile learning solution. It is an easy way to absorb information with little effort. Today learners are equipped with cell phones, allowing them to download podcasts to their devices and listen to them on repeat or as often as they wish. Podcasts can be used for on-demand performance support or as an additional source of information.


  1. Microlearning

Microlearning can be integrated with mobile learning to create training that can be digested in small chunks. Large pieces of information can be broken down into bite-sized lessons and delivered using spaced repetition to boost retention. Well-designed microlearning modules allow learners to engage with their training whenever it is most convenient for them and leads to better retention of information. Microlearning coupled with mLearning is an effective way to make learning more flexible, engaging and effective.


  1. Video-Based Learning

Videos are one of the most popular formats for mobile learning. Today, videos are the preferred way of learning for most learners. Videos provide the opportunity to present content in an engaging way, using real-life stories and scenarios. It can also be used in any type of training and in any part of training. Short and quick video modules encourage learners to recall/refresh learning when they want on-job performance support or a rapid knowledge check. Videos can be created in different forms making it a great way to explain concepts as well. Videos integrated with mobile learning are extremely effective as it facilitates anytime, anywhere learning and these videos are short, engaging, and easy to understand.



With changing times mobile technology will continue to grow and will gain momentum as a primary tool for training innovation and flexible learning. The need for viable, engaging, and effective mobile learning will continue to grow and more organizations will be relying on mobile devices to train their workforces. Giving an opportunity to the learners to train on their own time yields more results. The learning experience becomes more participatory, motivating and empowering, allowing them to build the skills they need to boost their productivity.


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