Why Is The Adoption Of A Training Program More Important Than The Training Itself?

Why Is The Adoption Of A Training Program More Important Than The Training Itself?

The advancement in the adoption of technology-enabled pedagogy & digital training techniques is driving the digital learning market growth. The skill training uplifts the confidence of the employees which results in ease of the work as well as a healthy working environment. Digital learning leverages the odds of engaging content delivered through personally customised channels such as videos, activities, games, etc. When delivering a training program they expect Return on Investment (ROI). But that is only possible when the employees complete the training program in time and have gained the knowledge imparted on them.

Along with the absence of orientation to self-learning in some learners, which makes adoption a strenuous task. There are many other challenges faced by L&D professionals for digital training adoption such as workplace esteem, a sense of growth; tackling clash of Interests in learners, lack of support from HR. The challenges may seem daunting but Cognigix, a digital learning program embraces the training challenges and provides a valid solution to the organisation.

Central elements of Cognigix’ strategies used are the specification such as- Need analysis, designing customised learning content, deployment, and delivery. To these staples; adoption, the most important element of corporate digital learning. In the absence of which all the other notable efforts become microscopic. Our adoption strategy helps learners successfully complete the training. It consists of tasks such as conducting research to understand the learner’s motivations, training needs, work environments, and, most importantly the deterrents to digital training and bring to light all the reasons why learners don’t adopt.

Visit our website Cognigix.com today to get in-depth details about our training adoption.



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